
Retro iPhone beat-'em-up Karate Champ nearly ready, coming in April

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Retro iPhone beat-'em-up Karate Champ nearly ready, coming in April
| Karate Champ

The classic arcade fighter Karate Champ is punching its way on to iPhone this April.

Having already brought the laserdisc arcade game Cobra Command to iPhone at the end of 2009, Revolutionary Concepts has now turned its attention to the fighter which once delighted arcade-goers.

Over 12 stages, players compete against AI martial arts experts in a karate tournament, with points awarded for successful contact and full points for knockdowns.

The original game was controlled via a joystick with quick, precise gestures used to pull off specific moves. The touch-screen controls should translate well to the iPhone version.

Also included is the ability to fight two-player via a Bluetooth or wi-fi connection, a mode which Revolutionary Concepts assures us is working well.

Look out for a preview soon.

Mike Rose
Mike Rose
An expert in the indie games scene, Mike comes to Pocket Gamer as our handheld gaming correspondent. He is the author of 250 Indie Games You Must Play.