How Tos

How to change PSP save icons

Change your PSP save icons to any picture you want

How to change PSP save icons

Sony consoles have always enabled developers to include images with their memory card save data and the PSP is no exception. Use this guide to take control and pimp your collection with customised pictures of your choice.

Use a PSP data cable to connect your console to a computer's USB port. Turn the PSP on and on the home screen move to Settings. Scroll down to USB Connection and press 'X'.
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After a short pause your computer will recognise your PSP and load the drivers it needs to communicate with it. Double-click the My Computer icon on your PC desktop, then open Removable Disk from the list that appears to see the contents of your Memory Stick Duo. From there you need to go into the PSP folder then SAVEDATA. How to change PSP save icons pic 2

Each directory listed in this window represents a save. You'll notice that some are named more clearly than others. The best way to find the picture you want to change is to open up each save directory in turn and double-click the file ICON0.PSP. How to change PSP save icons pic 3

As you'll notice, ICON0.PSP is the name given to the file we want to change. When you've found the one you want to edit, right-click it and choose Edit to open it in MSPaint. How to change PSP save icons pic 4

Before making any changes, save the original icon as ICONOLD.ORI in case you ever decide you want it back. Then get editing. You can do whatever you want to the image – we chose to copy over the Football Manger icon with the Hartlepool United logo because we think they exemplify football. When you're finished, make sure the final image is 144x80 pixels by clicking Image then Attributes. Save your work as ICON0.PSP.
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Press 'Circle' on your PSP to exit USB mode. Scroll right on the home screen until you get to the Game menu, go down to Saved Data Utility and press 'X' to see your new, improved list. Check out our other PSP How Tos. How to change PSP save icons pic 6