
Gameloft's open-world crime epic Gangstar Vegas is now available on the App Store

No need to steal it

Gameloft's open-world crime epic Gangstar Vegas is now available on the App Store
| Gangstar Vegas

Everyone knows that crime doesn't pay.

Unless it's crime in a video game, that is. In video games, you see, crime appears to pay very well, indeed. Especially for the developers and publishers.

Gamers, it would appear, just love to nick stuff. In games, of course.

And Gameloft has just released another game in its Gangstar franchise. You know, the series in which robbing and maiming take centre 'stage'.

In Gangstar Vegas, Gameloft invites you into another of its sprawling open-world, err, worlds. On this occasion, however, that open world is bloomin' massive. In fact, it's nine times bigger than the previous Gangstar world. Nine times!

You play a mixed martial artist in this latest Gangstar instalment. Guess what? He's out to make his name on the Vegas strip. Who'd have thunk it?

There are more than 80 missions for you to complete here, as well as lots of vehicles to crash, people to punch, and challenges to polish off.

Gangstar Vegas is available on the App Store right now for £2.99 / $4.99 [buy]. We'll let you know when it turns up on the Google Play Store.

Harry Slater
Harry Slater
Harry used to be really good at Snake on the Nokia 5110. Apparently though, digital snake wrangling isn't a proper job, so now he writes words about games instead.