
The Buzz: A week of scandal

Video game violence last week, video game racism this week for our new columnist

The Buzz: A week of scandal
iPhone + N-Gage + DS ...

The Bee likes very much to inflict death to zombies and so there is no game better than Resident Evil 4. In that game, many zombies death, so of course I am hugely expecting Resident Evil 5. But there is controversy.

When Capcom displayed a video in E3 of one America muscle agent shooting villagers in Africa… boom! That is arguably racist.

It is racist said website Black Looks.

"This is problematic on so many levels, including the depiction of Black people as inhuman savages, the killing of Black people by a white man in military clothing, and the fact that this video game is marketed to children and young adults. Start them young… fearing, hating, and destroying Black people."

The writer mistakes that '18' is advertising for children but never mind. It began a good debate with intelligent words at sites as Destructoid, Kotaku, Game Politics, Village Voice.

Old news. But now Newseek writer and Edge columnist N'Gai Croal last week restarted the arguing with MTV Multiplayer Stephen Totillo.

Croal said, "Wow, clearly no one black worked on this game." And then said, "There was a lot of imagery in that trailer that dovetailed with classic racist imagery."

Maybe Croal hit a nail. But Resident Evil 4 is with Spanish zombies and in Spain there was Franco, fascism, Guernica, civil war. The zombies come out of poor villages. The government slaughters them to liberate a wealthy American daughter. Maybe the poor must be offended.

In case you like to play guessing, the Bee is not Spanish. The Bee also does not come out of Germany, and feels guilty sometimes to play Call of Duty and to shoot maybe a thousand conscript young men. The Bee is also not French, and feels schadenfreude at playing The Simpsons game to restrain French villagers to not surrender to German conscript young men.

Of course French villagers are alive still that did not surrender, and some that surrendered, and as well some that knew French villagers that were killed. Hopefully they will not play The Simpsons. Video games are offending!

On the lighter note, one other man who is offending in the blog o' sphere recently is Uwe Boll. Herr Boll is a film director who makes films based with video games. He made House of the Dead, Alone in the Dark, Bloodrayne, Dungeon Siege.

They are not critically success.

Herr Boll has now created a film Postal based on the PC game called the same name – Postal. It commences with a scene where a plane flies at a sky-scraper and erupts. Many people have been critical that it is like the Al Qaeda attack on New York. It is.

When FEARnet recently interviewed to Herr Boll he said "It's not something to make fun of, September 11; we make fun of the craziness of the terrorists, basically, and the whole suicide bombing absurdity and about the fact that Bush used the situation to start a war."

FEARnet also asked him why with Postal he made fun at himself.

"To show that I'm a little Nazi pervert," Herr Boll said. When FEARnet told him that 18,000 people signed a petition to ask him stop creating films, he said, "Yeah, I know that. 18,000 is not enough to convince me."

Now it is at 200,000.

Herr Boll is one mad man! I am leaving you with his confident recent outburst, from it I have omitted the cursing.

"If you really look at my movies you will see my real genius you know, and if you go on May 23 on Postal you will see that I deliver a movie what nobody else delivered in the last ten years, what is way better as all that social critic George Clooney [films] what you get every [sunny] weekend."

See you at the premier!

The Bee is an industry insider who has fed on the nectar of over three decades' worth of gaming. All opinions expressed are the author's own.