
Grab some booty from Astroware's pirate cove

Keep to the code on National Talk Like a Pirate Day

Grab some booty from Astroware's pirate cove

NOTE: When we say pirate, we mean the dread usurpers of the seven seas, not spotty geeks who steal software. Okay, on with the show.

Yargh! To the bilge pumps, ya scabrous dogs, or I've flay the skin from yer wretched bones and feed ye t'the pigs!

In celebration o' National Talk Like a Pirate Day, Astraware be slashin' the prices of its piratin' wares in twain, so if ye sail by the light o' Palm, Windows Mobile or THE DREADED glow o' the firghful Symbian, ye be well advised to make birth at its website 'afore this day wanes.

Booty the likes a'which a foul brigand like ye ain't ne'er clapped eye or hand upon are yours for the takin' on this day alone. Tradewinds, Tradewinds 2, Hidden Expedition Titanic, Seven Seas, Bubble Babble, and Golden Skull be ripe for plunderin' at nought but half their normal weight in gold, so lest ye be a pasty hearted slip of a landlubber, ye'll put sheets t' the wind and have yer fill a' digital gold!

Tell 'em the dread ship Pocket Gamer set ye, or I'll slit yer from gut t' gizzard and send ye down to see Old Hob! Yargh!

(I beg your pardon - ed.)

Spanner Spencer
Spanner Spencer
Yes. Spanner's his real name, and he's already heard that joke you just thought of. Although Spanner's not very good, he's quite fast, and that seems to be enough to keep him in a regular supply of free games and away from the depressing world of real work.