
Intriguing Unreal Engine adventure dream:scape coming soon to iPhone

In your dreams

Intriguing Unreal Engine adventure dream:scape coming soon to iPhone
| dream:scape

Ever been told that you aren't dead by a talking scarecrow woman? Ever then been challenged to explore a dreamscape of your former life, piecing together memories of your past?

Nor had we. Until we came across dream:scape, an imaginative iPhone adventure that uses the Unreal Engine.

More an interactive storytelling experience than a game, dream:scape sees you guide a coma patient through a moody psychological adventure, in search of the key to their past.

The game looks beautifully presented, its cinematic influences dripping off the screen. It has a full original score, over ten minutes of recorded dialogue, and around 30 acres worth of open world to explore.

dream:scape's already been submitted to Apple, so should be out on the App Store soon.

In the meantime, feast your eyes on the trailer below.

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Richard Meads
Richard Meads
New intern Rich has been blessed with far, far too much free time and an overwhelming desire to jump on things. He tried doing the jumping in public, but people got scared. A lifelong addiction to platform games and a degree in creative writing later, he found his way to Pocket Gamer’s doorstep.