
[Update] Show us your Animal Crossing: New Leaf home

Win Internet Fame™ (Updated with Reggie's Animal Crossing: New Leaf home)

[Update] Show us your Animal Crossing: New Leaf home

You've worked hard, you've put the time in, you've paid your dues, you've earned your keep.

You've built up a stash of Bells, you've visited the Nooklings, you've purchased décor, you've decorated your home.

Now it's time for you to show off all your hard work to the PG community, by snapping a pic of your house, uploading it to an image sharing service, and leaving us a comment in the box below with a link to it so we can all see how awesome your decorating skillz are.

And you can win Internet Fame™ in exchange.

That's right, we'll be highlighting the very best interiors by updating this article with each one we receive. That's the best prize of all, isn't it?

To get you started, PG's staff has opened its doors for all of you to see...

It says a lot about the team here at PG that Mark's house is probably the most you might comfortably refer to as "normal". It's cool, it's breezy, there's a bunch of Nintendo items lying about, and the walls are made out to look like the sky. Extra props must also go to the big man on campus for wearing a simply delightful hat.

Our man Mike's house is absolutely terrifying. It's the house of a serial killer. There's the lucky cat he babbles his dark urges to, the running machine to keep him in fighting shape, the lamp he commits his crimes by, and a cement mixer to help dispose of the body afterwards. The gas mask his Animal Crossing character is wearing is the disturbing icing on the creepy cake.

And this place belongs to me. It's neat, orderly, and filled with Gyroids. My favourite one is the Mini Squelchoid, because he looks so irritated all of the time. Is it weird for me to have a large collection of - what are essentially - burial statues in the same room that I sleep, eat, and live? Surely not, right?

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Recognise THAT man up there? Yeah, course you do. Well, click on that there 'play' button to be taken on a guided tour of Reggie's Animal Crossing: New Leaf home. It's got turntables in it. I know.

Can you do better than us? Prove it in the comments below.
Peter Willington
Peter Willington
Die hard Suda 51 fan and professed Cherry Coke addict, freelancer Peter Willington was initially set for a career in showbiz, training for half a decade to walk the boards. Realising that there's no money in acting, he decided instead to make his fortune in writing about video games. Peter never learns from his mistakes.