
Get ready for blustery 3D puzzler With The Wind on iOS with this new trailer

Bag of wind

Get ready for blustery 3D puzzler With The Wind on iOS with this new trailer
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Twirlbound has released the official trailer for its blustery 3D puzzler With The Wind. As we previously covered, it should be out for iOS on May 14th.

There's not much to say about With The Wind now that hasn't been said before. Mostly, you'll want to set your eyes loose all over the hedgerows and Greek architecture in that trailer.

But, as you're here, lets do a quick recap. With The Wind has you solving over 90 puzzles using the power of the wind.

As the daughter of Aeolus, Ruler of Winds, you have the ability to blow a gust of wind in whatever direction you step in. This wind can blow objects, mostly cubes around the maze in each level.

You need to use this ability to open up a path to each bag of wind within these mazes to complete the level.

The game also has a level editor so that you can make your own entertainment, as well as download other players' custom levels.

That's it, really. Enjoy the trailer and look forward to With The Wind in a couple of weeks time. It'll be sold at a single premium price, just so you know.

Chris Priestman
Chris Priestman
Anything eccentric, macabre, or just plain weird, is what Chris is all about. He turns the spotlight on the games that fly under the radar.