Glu presents Monsters vs Aliens - but which is best?

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Glu presents Monsters vs Aliens - but which is best?
| Monsters vs Aliens

Of all the irritably unanswerable questions in life, none is as thought provoking as “who would win in a fight between X and Y?" Superman or Hulk? Vampires or werewolves? Patrick Moore or Dudley Moore?

Perhaps the ultimate rumble to end all rumbles will be presented at cinemas across the world later this month: Monsters vs Aliens.

Coming from Dreamworks, the company behind Shrek, Kung Fu Panda and Madagascar, it’ll be the first animated film to be produced from the ground up in 3D.

It tells the tale of a group of freakish monsters held captive in a government institution, who are called upon to battle an extra terrestrial threat on behalf of humanity. Reese Witherspoon, Hugh Laurie, Seth Rogen and Kiefer Sutherland all provide their voices for the film.

It’s an intriguing prospect, and mobile developer Glu has wasted no time in producing a mobile game to tie in with the film.

In it you’ll be able to stomp through the city as the 50ft tall beauty, Ginormica, leaping from building to building and using helicopters as hang-gliders.

You’ll also get to negotiate your way through an alien spaceship as half-ape, half-fish The Missing Link, battling an army of alien opponents along the way. The ultimate goal is to defeat alien overlord Gallaxhar and liberate earth.

Monsters vs Aliens plays out as a frenetic 2D action-platformer featuring some super-slick animation, and it looks like it will be the perfect complement to the film come release day.
Jon Mundy
Jon Mundy
Jon is a consummate expert in adventure, action, and sports games. Which is just as well, as in real life he's timid, lazy, and unfit. It's amazing how these things even themselves out.