
Drag-and-drop iPhone game maker GameSalad Creator is released

Sign up now for the early access program

Drag-and-drop iPhone game maker GameSalad Creator is released
| GameSalad Creator

Designed as an open platform that enables non-programmers to create games for iPhone, the web, and social networks such as Facebook, GameSalad Creator has been around for a while as an alpha release in 2008, and a beta product since March 2009.

Now its developer Gendai Games has announced the formal launch of the iPhone Early Access Program.

This is a two-tiered Indie and Pro membership system that enables you to export your finished games to platforms including the App Store.

The Indie membership costs $499 per year and the Pro membership $1,999 per year.

The Basic membership, which only enables web publishing, will remain free. All options are royalty free.

The Pro membership also provides access to advanced game development features, live support as well as customised branding options and you don't have to include GameSalad splash screens either.

"Since we first hinted that our iPhone publishing system was nearing launch, the response has been phenomenal," says Tan Tran, co-Gendai Games' founder and director of web development.

"In the few weeks since our initial announcement at the beginning of September, we've nearly quadrupled our membership. We currently have nearly 20,000 users who have not only joined GameSalad, but have also downloaded the tool."

You can see how the system works in the following video.

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To find out more information about the different membership, go to the GameSalad Creator website.

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.