
Boom Beach boot camp - send us your questions!

Boom Beach boot camp - send us your questions!
| Boom Beach

With the big release of Boom Beach onto app stores world wide, there are naturally going to be a lot of questions about the game.

How it plays, how it's different from Supercell's other games, how to progress quickly: these are all things that are best answered by people who are entrenched deep in the game. People like The Boom Beach Community.

So if you've got any questions about the title, on any subject whatsoever, just chuck it in the comments section below, and we'll set about answering them...

Peter Willington
Peter Willington
Die hard Suda 51 fan and professed Cherry Coke addict, freelancer Peter Willington was initially set for a career in showbiz, training for half a decade to walk the boards. Realising that there's no money in acting, he decided instead to make his fortune in writing about video games. Peter never learns from his mistakes.