
Crayola drawing game coming to the DS


Crayola drawing game coming to the DS

Colour us spooked. Just the other week we were bleating about how we would love a Mario Paint style game to grace the DS. Now, less than three weeks later, two have been revealed.

We don't want to sound ungrateful – news that Crayola (the crayon manufacturing giant) and Crave Entertainment are partnering to bring a drawing game to the DS is indeed welcome. It's just that if we had known that our wish was going to be granted we probably would have asked for immeasurable wealth or the ability to fly like Superman.

Still, this new sketch-'em-up sounds like fun. The game will take the form of a treasure hunt, where players will draw, scribble and colour their way through a selection of obstacles and mini-games on a treasure map to make their way to the bounty. Sort of like a cross between Mario Paint and a point-and-click adventure.

So far the game doesn't have a confirmed title or release date. Click 'Track It!' to scribble a note in crayon that you'd like to be reminded when we hear more.