
iPod touch owners download twice as much as iPhone and Android owners, apparently

So says latest AdMob survey

iPod touch owners download twice as much as iPhone and Android owners, apparently
| AdMob news

AdMob's July 2009 Mobile Metrics Report was designed to compare the usage rates of iPhone, iPod touch and Android phone users.

It was based on a survey of 1,117 self-selecting respondents spread across the 7,000 mobile sites and 3,000 applications in AdMob's network.

Obviously, self-selection introduces a massive bias into any results, as you're much more likely to answer such surveys if you're downloading lots of apps and spending a lot of time online.

Still, some of the headline comparisons are worth thinking about.

Half of iPhone users and 40 percent of iPod touch users download at least one paid app per month, compared to 19 per cent of Android users.

Android and iPhone users download approximately 10 new apps per month, while iPod touch owners download an average of 18 per month.

Over half of Android and iPhone (including iPod touch) users spend more than 30 minutes per day using apps.

More than 90 percent of Android and iPhone users browse and search for apps directly on their mobile device.

Users who regularly download paid apps spend approximately $9 on an average of five paid downloads per month.

iPhone represented 60 percent of US smartphone usage in AdMob's network in July 2009, followed by RIM and Android devices at 13 and 12 percent, respectively.

You can read more detail about the survey and sign up to be alerted when new ones are released at the AdMob metrics website.

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.