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Windows Store daily downloads already 3 times higher than on Mac App Store

Windows Store daily downloads already 3 times higher than on Mac App Store

Windows Phone attracts more 'whales' than iOS and Android

Windows Phone attracts more 'whales' than iOS and Android

App prices to plummet to average of 8 cents by 2017

App prices to plummet to average of 8 cents by 2017

More than half of mobile devs moonlight to pay the bills

More than half of mobile devs moonlight to pay the bills

Samsung's Galaxy S III tops iPhone 4S to become world's favourite smartphone

Samsung's Galaxy S III tops iPhone 4S to become world's favourite smartphone

iPad ire: Apple's tablet share falls to new low of 50%

iPad ire: Apple's tablet share falls to new low of 50%

3 out of every 4 smartphones now shipping runs Android

3 out of every 4 smartphones now shipping runs Android

Jelly Bean monetises a third better than other versions of Android

Jelly Bean monetises a third better than other versions of Android

Kindle Fire offers some of the best click through rates, reckons Velti

Kindle Fire offers some of the best click through rates, reckons Velti

Half of all US iPhone owners 'impressed' by BlackBerry 10

Half of all US iPhone owners 'impressed' by BlackBerry 10

Distimo: 90% of the top apps delivered in English, but localisation increasingly important

Distimo: 90% of the top apps delivered in English, but localisation increasingly important

Soft launches means Australian and Canadian iOS users are the most expensive says Chartboost

Soft launches means Australian and Canadian iOS users are the most expensive says Chartboost

Chartboost: 15% of iOS devices upgraded to iOS 6 within 24 hours

Chartboost: 15% of iOS devices upgraded to iOS 6 within 24 hours

Just how well is the iPhone 5 likely to sell?

Just how well is the iPhone 5 likely to sell?

Microsoft quadruples US smartphone share during last 12 months

Microsoft quadruples US smartphone share during last 12 months

EEDAR lifts lid on mobile's top spender: The $70 a month 'killer whale'

EEDAR lifts lid on mobile's top spender: The $70 a month 'killer whale'

BlackBerry's US share drops below 10% for the first time

BlackBerry's US share drops below 10% for the first time

Infographic: Why you can't ignore the Asian mobile games market

Infographic: Why you can't ignore the Asian mobile games market

Android's growth tempered in US as iOS makes gains on Google

Android's growth tempered in US as iOS makes gains on Google

Mobile games not always played 'on the go', reports PopCap

Mobile games not always played 'on the go', reports PopCap

Faster than iPhone and Samsung, Nokia's Lumia nears 7 million shipped

Faster than iPhone and Samsung, Nokia's Lumia nears 7 million shipped

Flexion's wrapper platform sees Q2 customer growth up 223% to lifetime total of 160 million

Flexion's wrapper platform sees Q2 customer growth up 223% to lifetime total of 160 million

Nokia selling little over 80,000 Lumias a month in US

Nokia selling little over 80,000 Lumias a month in US

Mobile to top PC gaming in China as userbase nears 200 million

Mobile to top PC gaming in China as userbase nears 200 million

In-app advertising spend to triple to over $7 billion by 2015

In-app advertising spend to triple to over $7 billion by 2015