
Pocket Frogs jumps to 2 million downloads and 300,000 daily active players

We're going to need a larger lilypad

Pocket Frogs jumps to 2 million downloads and 300,000 daily active players
| NimbleBit news

NimbleBit's Pocket Frogs freemium collect 'em and breed 'em game seems to have found a sweetspot with iOS gamers.

Released in mid September, the game which uses ngmoco's Plus+ social platform, has been downloaded over two million times, and is racking up 300,000 daily active users - which is the all important stat when it comes to earning revenue.

Pocket Frogs is free to play but encourages users to buy items that speed up gameplay, with the quantity options being 99c, $4.99 or $29.99.

Buying in bulk

Significantly, what developer Ian Marsh quickly noticed was that while the 99c option made up half of the total number of transactions, it was only 9 percent of total revenue.

The mid range $4.99 option was 42 percent, both by transactions and revenue, while the $29.99 IAP option. consisted of 8 percent of total IAP transactions by volume, but thanks to its price, provided the biggest chunk of revenue at 49 percent of the total.

And, this proportion changed over time with the $4.99 option outselling the 99c in terms of volume in late September, demonstrating the power of the in-app purchasing model for very sticky, social games.

[source: TUAW]

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.