
Cross platform game TrafficWonder sees more quality activity from PlayBook than Android

Exploiting a niche

Cross platform game TrafficWonder sees more quality activity from PlayBook than Android
| Traffic Wonder HD

One-man indie Alex Nino (aka Yo Ambulante) has released some interesting stats concerning cross platform usage.

He released his 99c line-drawing game TrafficWonder HD for iOS, Android (including Kindle Fire and Nook) and BlackBerry PlayBook in mid-March.

It's not stormed the charts, but over 12,000 players have uploaded their scores to the leaderboard system.

Big up BlackBerry

Nino notes that nine of the top 20 scores have been submitted by iOS players, seven by PlayBook players, three from Android player and one from a PC player.

"The first 14 days have been really fascinating," said Nino.

"Given the smaller market for BlackBerry PlayBook when compared to iOS and Android devices, they are doing very well for themselves. "

Drilling down into the statistics, he also revealed that only 22 players have managed to complete all 60 levels.

In total, 8,933,744,736 in-game metres have been driven, with 437,476 crashes registered.

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.