
Which of the new Genshin Impact banners should you spend Fate on?

| Genshin Impact
Which of the new Genshin Impact banners should you spend Fate on?

We've weighed up the pros and cons of each of Genshin Impact's new Wish summon banners

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Genshin Impact is currently one of the biggest games in the world - and that's no joke, whether it's in terms of downloads, Discord group members, online players… Believe me, Genshin Impact is doing very well for itself.

And a brand new banner period has just begun, with a new character available and adjusted rates for pulls. So, which is the best one to invest in? It depends what you want out of your Wish summons.

new banners genshin impact

In this guide we're going to quickly break down everything you need to know about the latest banners in Genshin Impact so you know what to expect, and what you should be saving your Primogems for.

Hopefully those Fate items will return to the Stardust shop soon, eh?

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Out with the old, in with the new

By now you should've seen the last of the Beginner's Wish banner, and the two other familiar banners you could use Intertwined Fate on are now gone, entirely replaced.

The third currently available banner, Wanderlust Invocation, you should be very familiar with, and isn't going anywhere any time soon. You can still use your Acquaint Fate there without issue.

The other two banners, however, have very different odds, and if you're looking to summon characters you should use one, and the other primarily for powerful weapons.

Sparkling Steps

The first big new banner is the Sparkling Steps, and this has boosted chances of getting yourself a 5* Klee, the sweetest little Pyro character you could ask for.

In addition to Klee, you have chances of getting six different 5* characters, including Mona, Diluc, Keqing, Qiqi, and Jean.

There's another eleven 4* characters up for grabs in this banner too, in addition to a lot of weapons. This makes it the best banner to spend your Fate on if you're looking for characters, by far.

Epitome Invocation

This is the other big new banner that is running right now, and you have boosted chances of getting rare 5* weapons such as the Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds, a tome, and the Wolf's Gravestone, a greatsword.

This banner does feature a bunch of 4* characters, but it does not feature any 5* characters, only weapons. As a result, this banner is best if you're looking to power up your team with new gear.

If you have the team of your dreams and you just want to become powerful for the fights ahead, this is the banner for you.


If you still want new characters in your party which can lead you to victory, then you should be aiming for the Sparkling Steps banner, which has way more rare characters available.

If you're looking for weaponry to make your team even more capable in battle, then you should be aiming for the Epitome Invocation banner, which has rare weapons for you to use.

And of course, if you just need to spend those Acquaint Fate, then you should be aiming for the Wanderlust Invocation, the same banner you know and love, with a familiar chance of getting excellent characters such as Jean and Diluc, in case you don't have them already.

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Dave Aubrey
Dave Aubrey
Dave served as a contributor, and then Guides Editor at Pocket Gamer from 2015 through to 2019. He specialised in Nintendo, complaining about them for a living.