
Golf Blitz cheats and tips - Perfect swinging tips

| Golf Blitz
Golf Blitz cheats and tips - Perfect swinging tips

Get a hole in one every time. Or close to it.

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Golf Blitz is the kind of golf game we can really get into. Crazy courses, a unique 2D plane, and online opponents keep this game of crazy golf interesting from start to finish.

Here we're going to go over some basic and advanced tips to help you take perfect shots and get ahead of opponents on the course.

The number of shots you take doesn't matter here, it's all about your speed in getting to the hole. Wow, that sounds rude. Golf is difficult to write about cleanly.

Picking your shot

Golf Blitz

When you are playing Golf Blitz, it won't take long to realise that smart shots are the key to victory. You'll be selecting from special skills, before dragging a ball around a circular icon to dictate the kind of power and aim you want to put into the shot.

There's a surprising number of variables when it just comes to taking a simple shot. For example, pulling the ball back on a horizontal axis will of course make it go fast, on the horizontal axis, but that also means you can shoot a ball straight up into the air on the vertical axis.

Why would you do that? Well, there are a bunch of stages where a shot like this may come in handy.

To complement the shots you can take immediately, there are also skills you can mix into your shots. An accurate shot, a flaming power shot, and a bouncy shot will be the base skills that you earn.

The accurate shot is very useful for getting your ball into the hole from a distance. If you're not on "the green" but near the flag, the accurate shot can allow you to knock the ball in from wherever you are.

The bouncing shot is one where its use cases are less clear, but it definitely helps keep momentum up in the more claustrophobic stages.

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Max power

Sometimes you just need distance, and that's where the flaming power shot comes in to play.

The power shot isn't accurate, but if you need to cover distance, it's very useful. Great for getting on to the green, or starting the game off with a bang.

You might see other players get ahead of you if you wait to build up skill points at the start of a shot, but it might also be worth it to get ahead.

Specific shots

Some stages will have specific hazards or conditions which you can use to your advantage. Oddly, your ball doesn't need to be on flat ground to come to a stop.

The sandpits will obviously grind your ball to a halt, but less obvious is the sticky walls. Coloured, sticky walls might line the stages of the more awkward aerial courses.

Many stages will offer a sticky wall before the green, so keep your eyes out for that perfect shot.

Mind games

Don't take the shot immediately. On courses where balls bunch up together (no snickering please) you might find your opponent directly behind you. In which case, let them take a shot first.

They will likely smack into your ball, pushing you further along, without actually having to put any effort in.

This is especially useful on the green, where you can entirely ruin the game plan of other players. Beautiful. To get around this tactic yourself, shoot balls over your opponent, and use full power to annoy players on the green.

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Dave Aubrey
Dave Aubrey
Dave served as a contributor, and then Guides Editor at Pocket Gamer from 2015 through to 2019. He specialised in Nintendo, complaining about them for a living.