
Industrial board game Brass drops to £3.99 / $3.99 on iOS and Android

Lowest price since launch

Industrial board game Brass drops to £3.99 / $3.99 on iOS and Android
| Brass

Forget kingdoms and city building, the real money is in supplying those places. Brass is a digital board game about industry and supporting infrastructure, and it's currently on sale for £3.99 / $3.99 on the App Store and Google Play.

Shipyards, canals, ports, and railroads are your tools in Brass, as you decide which materials to produce and control, a battle of monopolies against AI or other players. Trading and researching new industrial tech smartly can decide your fate as a shrewd magnate or to be crushed by other's better strategies.

Our review described Brass as "a great game...demanding, thematic, and addictive, with deep layers of strategy and multiple ways to win"; you can check out this discounted title on iOS and Android if you're looking for a new board game to master.

Christian Valentin
Christian Valentin
Christian always had a interest in indie games and loves to give the games that so easily go unnoticed the attention they deserve