
[Update] Spingun is a frenetic dual-button shooter from the developer of David.

Fire around (Now with trailer)

[Update] Spingun is a frenetic dual-button shooter from the developer of David.
| Spingun
Updated on August 8th, at 6:49: We covered Spingun a few days ago, but now developer Fermenter Games have released a trailer and gameplay footage showcasing the game's mechanics, enemies, and various powerups.
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Fermenter's Silver Award-winning debut was an abstract evasive game of David versus geometric goliaths, and Spingun looks to be a shooter take on that concept, as a single ship takes on overwhelming odds through evasion and skillful action.

Your ship's moveset in Spingun is simple: left button to boost left, right to boost right, and press both to shoot at the expense of cutting off your thrust and rotation. Within a tight arena, waves of diverse swarming, rushing, shooting enemies threaten to destroy you, and zigzagging through the horde, bouncing off walls, and carefully choosing when to fire are your only means of survival.

Different powerups temporarily imbue your ship with devastating weapons, from the wide spreadshot to the screen-slicing beam. Using each weapon quickly and effectively is key to scoring high in Spingun's endless mode and its themed challenges.

Spingun is releasing this year for iOS, Android, and PC/Mac. You can learn more and sign up for a public beta on the game's site.

Christian Valentin
Christian Valentin
Christian always had a interest in indie games and loves to give the games that so easily go unnoticed the attention they deserve