
The upcoming RPG set in the popular Android universe should appeal to fans of cyberpunk action [Update]

With a story from 80 Days writer (Updated: Clarification on game)

The upcoming RPG set in the popular Android universe should appeal to fans of cyberpunk action [Update]
| Netrunner
Updated on October 27th, at 9:58: We wanted to clarify that this upcoming RPG isn't an adaption of the Android: Netrunner card game, but rather a original game set within the lore and universe of the Android world.

The popular Android: Netrunner card game will be coming to mobile in the form of a Diablo-inspired action RPG.

Netrunner takes place in a cyberpunk future where expert hacker Runners battle against powerful megacorporations.

The Netrunner RPG will let you control a Runner, as you use your tech skills and abilities to subvert corporate defenses and steal intel.

To deliver an engrossing story, the developers are working with 80 Days writer Meg Jayanth to craft the narrative.

The game is still early in development, but is expected to release sometime next year as a free-to-play title.

Source (story and images): Venturebeat

Christian Valentin
Christian Valentin
Christian always had a interest in indie games and loves to give the games that so easily go unnoticed the attention they deserve