
Free logic puzzlers 0h h1 and 0h n0 will help you burn through your spare time

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Free logic puzzlers 0h h1 and 0h n0 will help you burn through your spare time
| 0h n0

If you're looking for a small puzzle game to occupy a spare minute then Q42 has two of them, both of which are free.

Last year, creator Martin Kool (the human behind Q42) released 0h h1 on the web, as well as iOS [download], Android [download], and Windows Phone [download].

It has you tapping to turn each tile in a grid either blue or red. You have to use observation to figure out which colour each tile needs to be.

Quite simply, you cannot have three tiles of the same colour next to each other. And each row and column must contain two tiles of each colour.

It's similar to Sudoku, in a way, but is actually based on Takuzu or Binairo - replacing numbers with colours.

0h, Kool

Now, Kool has released a companion to 0h h1 called 0h n0, which is quite similar.

In 0h n0 you have to tap to fill a grid with blues and reds once again. However, this time the blue tiles tell you how many like-coloured tiles in their row and column they can see.

The red tiles block the view of the blue tiles. And so, using this knowledge, you should be able to slowly fill the grid up. This time the inspiration is Japanese Kuromasu.

You can download 0h n0 for free on iOS [download], Android [download], and Windows Phone [download]. You can also play it in your browser on its website.

Chris Priestman
Chris Priestman
Anything eccentric, macabre, or just plain weird, is what Chris is all about. He turns the spotlight on the games that fly under the radar.