
AppSpy will be streaming Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft on Twitch at 5pm GMT / 10am PDT / 1pm EDT

The cards are on the table...

AppSpy will be streaming Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft on Twitch at 5pm GMT / 10am PDT / 1pm EDT

Heavyweight developer Blizzard recently soft-launched its iPad collectible card game Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft over in New Zealand, Australia, and Canada.

It's perhaps no surprise, then, to discover that our sneaky and resourceful pals over at AppSpy have managed to wangle themselves a copy of it.

It's a free-to-play game, so if that hyphenated three-word combo makes you a bit apprehensive, you may want to join James and Peter on Twitch to see if 'free' really is a cheap enough price for you.

AppSpy's terrific twosome will be broadcasting live on Twitch from 5pm BST, 9am PDT, and 12pm EDT. Feel free to ask any questions, comment on what they're doing, or even give them a wee bit of a friendly heckle during the session. All in good fun.

You can join them via the embedded video below or by going directly to AppSpy's Twitch channel. If you hit the 'Follow' button while you're over there, you'll get an e-mail giving you a heads-up at the very moment they go live.

See you then!

Danny Russell
Danny Russell
After spending years in Japan collecting game developers' business cards, Danny has returned to the UK to breed Pokemon. He spends his time championing elusive region-exclusive games while shaking his fist at the whole region-locking thing.