
Prepare to do ballet in Bounden with your phone and a partner in 2014

Stay on your toes

Prepare to do ballet in Bounden with your phone and a partner in 2014
| Bounden

Bounden is a mixture of Twister and ballet.

Let me explain. Game Oven's Bounden is a mobile dancing game for two players, each of whom holds on to an end of a phone with a single thumb.

On the screen is a circular crosshair that you need to line up with the circles that appear on a ball that rolls around underneath the crosshair.

The ball moves in accordance with the angles at which the phone is held. This means that players have to either dance with the phone at the centre or just get in a right tangle.

Each of the levels (or "dances") in Bounden is being choreographed by four members of the Dutch National Ballet. Original classical music is also being composed for the game.

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It may come as no surprise to you to discover that Game Oven is behind Bounden. You see, the Dutch developer also created similar physical games like Fingle and Friendstrap.

Bounden will be - ahem - bounding onto iPhone and Android in summer 2014.

Chris Priestman
Chris Priestman
Anything eccentric, macabre, or just plain weird, is what Chris is all about. He turns the spotlight on the games that fly under the radar.