
The Coding Monkeys updates Gold Award winner Carcassonne with new analysis tools

On board

The Coding Monkeys updates Gold Award winner Carcassonne with new analysis tools
| Carcassonne

Great news, strategy lovers: The Coding Monkeys has just issued an update for its Gold Award-winning iOS boardgame Carcassonne.

The headline feature of this new update is undeniably the oft-requested game analysis mode.

This enables you to "drill down" into the scoring after a game has finished to see where and why you lost a game.

Furthermore, a new tally display in Carcassonne allows you to get a detailed overview of the scores DURING a game. Helpful.

Fans of this highly acclaimed German boardgame will also be pleased to read that the dev has squashed a lot of bugs in this latest update. Problems such as layout issues, table positioning, and scoring bugs are now just memories. Bad memories.

At review, we described Carcassonne as "one of the most successful translations of a boardgame in years" and called it "charming, captivating, and competitive".

What are you still waiting for? Go download it now from the App Store for £6.99 / $9.99.

Chris Kerr
Chris Kerr
What do you call someone who has an unhealthy obsession with video games and Sean Bean? That'd be a 'Chris Kerr'. Chris is one of those deluded souls who actually believes that one day Sean Bean will survive a movie. Poor guy.