
Overhead iOS platformer Crazy Kangaroo bouncing onto 3DS eShop soon

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Overhead iOS platformer Crazy Kangaroo bouncing onto 3DS eShop soon
| Crazy Kangaroo

Top-down iOS and Android platformer Crazy Kangaroo will be hopping into the warm fuzzy pouch that is Nintendo's 3DS eShop in the coming months.

Crazy Kangaroo looks to be an addictive and extremely colourful platform game from Gamelion that has you frantically bouncing Barney the kangaroo back home while evading native hunters.

The original iOS release contained 50 stages spread over three worlds and numerous power up, and we can expect all this content to make the cut.

Many of the levels contain side missions to help rank up as well as cash rewards for upgrades.

All that remains is for Nintendo of Europe to whizz it through its quality assurance. We'll let you know when a release date is announced.

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Jonathan Sutton
Jonathan Sutton
As a journalism graduate, Jonathan tried his hand at a career in hard news, but he couldn't stop daydreaming of bouncing plumbers and warp pipes. A serial buyer of consoles, he often finds himself waking up in the night in a cold sweat with his bank balance and Mario flashing in front of his eyes.