
Pocket Gamer iPhone and iPad gaming podcast: Episode 186 - Sport!, iPhone 5 release date rumours, Song Pop, Justice League


Pocket Gamer iPhone and iPad gaming podcast: Episode 186 - Sport!, iPhone 5 release date rumours, Song Pop, Justice League

It's Keith, Peter, and me on this week's sports-heavy podcast, which is sponsored by the PG Applympics 2012.

News-wise, we're all fairly confident about the latest batch of rumours surrounding the iPhone 5's release date, but questions are starting to be raised about the speculation concerning the iPad mini.

In the New Releases segment this week, I once again find a game close to Peter's heart (and subsequently ruin it), while What We've Been Playing involves a duel between Keith and me on Song Pop, and Peter blasting his way through Beat Hazard Ultra.

Will Wilson
Will Wilson
Will's obsession with gaming started off with sketching Laser Squad levels on pads of paper, but recently grew into violently shouting "Tango Down!" at random strangers on the street. He now directs that positive energy into his writing (due in no small part to a binding court order).