
There's a Galaxy S III exploit that downloads games without your realising

Don't remember downloading those games? Maybe you didn't

There's a Galaxy S III exploit that downloads games without your realising

Noticed that there's a number of games installed on your Galaxy S III that you don't remember downloading? You might be going a little loopy... or perhaps you've fallen victim to a new malicious Android exploit.

Some naughty developers have found a way to gain access to the "install_packages" permission on Samsung's Galaxy S III smartphone, essentially allowing them to install games from Google Play on your device without your even knowing.

All it takes is for you to download a seemingly innocent game or app that secretly has the hacking mechanic embedded in it. A developer could potentially use this technique to bump its overall download numbers up once you've downloaded just one of its titles.

The video below, uploaded by one Andre Moulu, shows the hack in action. Apparently, it only takes a few lines of code to implement, and is rather easy to set in motion. Samsung - get this sorted!

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Mike Rose
Mike Rose
An expert in the indie games scene, Mike comes to Pocket Gamer as our handheld gaming correspondent. He is the author of 250 Indie Games You Must Play.