
Trademark filed for potential new Pokemon game

'Pokemon Adventure Camp' on the cards?

Trademark filed for potential new Pokemon game
DS + 3DS
| Pokemon Adventure Camp

Between fake App Store submissions and surprise sequel announcements, the last couple of weeks have been something of a roller coaster ride for Pokemon fans.

The fun isn't over yet, though, as Nintendo, Game Freaks, and Creatures Inc. have set tongues wagging by filing a trademark for a new game, titled 'Pokemon Adventure Camp'.

Caught them all?

While there's nothing but a name on a legal document to go on at the moment, that doesn't mean we can't speculate wildly as to the content of this mystery game.

I'm going to put my money on a bullet-hell shooter in which you control a rage-consumed Pikachu as he blasts his way through waves of Pokemon trainers to get his revenge on cruel master and insufferable bossy-boots, Ash.

It may also be the long-awaited first 3DS Pokemon game, given that Black & White 2 is set for the original DS.

We'll no doubt find out more information on the apparent upcoming title (and then be bitterly disappointed when it turns out to be a Wii game) over the next few months.

James Gilmour
James Gilmour
James pivoted to video so hard that he permanently damaged his spine, which now doubles as a Cronenbergian mic stand. If the pictures are moving, he's the one to blame.