Out There

[UPDATE] Poll: Which robot would you replace Siri's voice with?

I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that

[UPDATE] Poll: Which robot would you replace Siri's voice with?

See below for results.

Siri, the robot assistant that lives inside your brand-new iPhone 4S, has a couple of different voices. There's the calming tones of the female 'bot in America, and a jolly old butler-type bloke in Britain.

But, like adding a set of Homer Simpson voices to a TomTom GPS, wouldn't it be cool if we could replace the built-in Siri vocals with a different kind of robot? Like the murderous red dot of HAL-9000, or the synonym-obsessed goofball Johnny 5?

We've picked out some robots from TV, movies, and games that we think would do a spiffing job of handling our text messages, sorting out reminders, and constantly trying to murder us. Now it's your turn to play.

Which of these would be the best 'bot for the job? Would you rather have snarky Portal techno-bitch GLaDOS working out how many pounds there are in six ounces, or would you prefer the dulcet tones of Paul Bettany vocalising your emails?

Vote for your favourite, and we'll probably tell you who's most popular some time next week.

UPDATE: And this is how you voted. GLaDOS was overwhelmingly the winner, with HAL in second place. C3PO took third place, narrowly beating Bender.
Rob Hearn
Rob Hearn
Having obtained a distinguished education, Rob became Steel Media's managing editor, now he's no longer here though, following a departure in late December 2015.