
Rally Master Pro update: Retina display support, ghosts, damage-free racing...

...and the upcoming universal app for free

Rally Master Pro update: Retina display support, ghosts, damage-free racing...
| Rally Master Pro

Rally Master Pro, the acclaimed rally racer from Fishlabs, just got an update.

Smashing the previous course record, Rally Master Pro earned itself a podium finish with a prestigious Pocket Gamer Platinum Award when we reviewed the mobile version.

This new iPhone version builds on the original's solid console-quality core with Retina display support, time trial ghosts, and the option to disable 3D damage modelling and just have a nice, relaxing drive.

Put your foot down

The updated app is out now for $4.99 / €3,99 / £2.99.

It'll be made a universal app early in December, at which point the price will rise to $6.99 / €5,49 / £3.99, so if you don't already have this benchmark in mobile racing you'd better get in gear.

Richard Meads
Richard Meads
New intern Rich has been blessed with far, far too much free time and an overwhelming desire to jump on things. He tried doing the jumping in public, but people got scared. A lifelong addiction to platform games and a degree in creative writing later, he found his way to Pocket Gamer’s doorstep.