Game Reviews

Let’s Golf!

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| Let's Golf
Let’s Golf!
| Let's Golf

[This review is taken from a two-part feature published in July, which rounded up nine of Gameloft’s iPhone to Android game conversions. You can read part 1 here, and part 2 here.]

Let’s Golf has been a mainstay on my iPod touch for the past year or so, thanks to its bright, chunky, easy going approach to golf.

The Android version is excellent.

The deeper, richer tone facilitated by our Nexus One test unit’s screen suits the cutesy Japanese vibe perfectly, with deep Sega-blue skies and impossibly green, er, greens. Lovely.

Technically, too, it’s a winner, with the pre-hole course pans moving quickly and smoothly – certainly more so than on our second generation iPod touch. There’s the faint impression that the textures are less detailed – particularly the grass pattern – but the edges appear to be sharper and smoother by way of compensation.

The game retains its brilliantly simple golf mechanics – after a quick scan of the course you start a swing bar off moving, tapping once to set the power and again at the right time to determine the accuracy. Spin can be added post-shot.

We still feel that the iPod/iPhone controls are slightly more responsive, but if all you’ve ever played is this fine Android version you’ll neither notice nor care. Let’s Golf on Android shoots a fine round indeed.

Let’s Golf!

Let’s Golf’s brilliantly cute, colourful, and accessible golf game hides a surprising level of depth. It feels perfectly at home on Android
Jon Mundy
Jon Mundy
Jon is a consummate expert in adventure, action, and sports games. Which is just as well, as in real life he's timid, lazy, and unfit. It's amazing how these things even themselves out.