
Nano Rally pulls a small skid towards App Store

Micro Machines writ tiny

Nano Rally pulls a small skid towards App Store
| Nano Rally

It was the said thing in the 1970s that Small is Beautiful, but aside from 'the study of economics as if people mattered', miniaturisation was also a concept close to the hearts of the era’s sci-fi writers and game designers.

So why isn't there a Micro Machines games on the App Store yet?

Before too long we'll be able to play Nano Rally, at least.

Created by London-based Sauce Digital, it follows the rules of genre with a topdown view as you drive your tiny car around various comparatively enormous domestic environments. You'll start off in the kitchen before unlocking the bedroom, office and garden (plus there are two further secret environments, each containing foue tracks). In total, the game has 25 tracks.

You can customise your car set up in terms of the handling and acceleration, as well as choosing touch or tilt controls, and auto accelerate.

Mode-wise, there's a quick single race or you can play through everything via the Championship mode. Social mobility is aided with an online high score option for each stage as well as your overall best time.

You can check out a gameplay video here.

Now submitted for Apple's approval boys to run their tape measure over, it's hoped Nano Rally should be out sometime in July.

Jon Jordan
Jon Jordan
A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon can turn his hand to anything except hand turning. He is editor-at-large at which means he can arrive anywhere in the world, acting like a slightly confused uncle looking for the way out. He likes letters, cameras, imaginary numbers and legumes.