
Glu's Dark Knight competition winners announced

It could be you

Glu's Dark Knight competition winners announced
| The Dark Knight

A few weeks ago, we gave you the chance to win some Dark Knight-related prizes by answering the following question: "who should replace the dearly departed Heath Ledger in the role of the Joker?"

I'll be frank. The quality of your responses was variable. While Peter Sarsgaard is an interesting suggestion (though sadly the entrant who made it is disqualified on the grounds of address), Jack Nicholson is a bit off. The man's 71, fat, and has already played the Joker before. Get a grip.

I suspect some of you weren't taking the contest very seriously. Suggestions like, "Amy Winehouse - after Heath Ledger we need someone to bring some gravitas and stability to the role," and "Rhiddian from X-Factor" may have raised a smile or two in the Pocket Gamer office, but they clearly demonstrate a dangerous irreverence. You have to toe the line.

Then there was this: "Billy Connolly: he's already as manic as the Joker but we know he can play serious (X-Files; Mrs Brown.)" I'm not quite sure whether this suggestion was offered in jest or earnest, but in any case: no. He's too old.

Others, meanwhile, went for sentimentality. "No one can replace Heath ledger as The joker," lamented one entrant. "He made the role his own."

Come now. Heath did a great turn, and he will be sorely missed, but life goes on. Eventually, somebody will replace him. It's what he would have wanted.

By and large, I don't think the casting agencies of Hollywood have anything to be concerned about. Nobody mentioned any of my own top three: Adam Goldberg, Sam Rockwell, and Casey Affleck.

In the end, it came down to two suggestions. Daniel Day-Lewis, and Matt Damon. We plumped, perhaps controversially, for the latter. Yes, Day-Lewis would do a great job, but Day-Lewis always does a great job. He's the universal trump card of the Actors' Guild, and therefore disqualified.

For that reason, Matt Damon is the winning suggestion. Congratulations to the winner - your swag is en route.

Oh, and exactly enough people made the (frankly tedious) suggestion of Johnny Depp for them all to receive a long-sleeved T-shirt and a download of the game apiece, so that's what's going to happen.

High fives all round.

Rob Hearn
Rob Hearn
Having obtained a distinguished education, Rob became Steel Media's managing editor, now he's no longer here though, following a departure in late December 2015.