
GDC08: N-gage gets Speed Racer and Batman

Oh, and Super Slam Ping Pong!

GDC08: N-gage gets Speed Racer and Batman
| Speed Racer

Glu has announced three new games for Nokia's N-Gage platform, including two big movie licences.

Speed Racer, whose Java version was recently announced, is the first. The N-Gage edition will have a similar focus, with you trying to become the ultimate grand prix champion in a high-adrenaline racing game.

Meanwhile, The Dark Knight is based on the upcoming Batman movie, and sees you fighting crime in Gotham City with a mixture of fighting and signature gadgetry. Yes, The Joker does feature.

But perhaps most exciting is Glu's plans to bring out an own-IP game for N-Gage called Super Slam Ping Pong. It's the successor to the publisher's cartoonish (and ace) fight title Super KO Boxing. Except now, the focus is table tennis.

Expect players called things like Master Wu-Pong and the Gnarly Gnome, and a Super Slam meter to power-charge your smash shots.

All three games are due out in 2008.

Stuart Dredge
Stuart Dredge
Stuart is a freelance journalist and blogger who's been getting paid to write stuff since 1998. In that time, he's focused on topics ranging from Sega's Dreamcast console to robots. That's what you call versatility. (Or a short attention span.)