
Black Moon, a new fully original anime action RPG, opens up pre-registrations for specific regions

Black Moon, a new fully original anime action RPG, opens up pre-registrations for specific regions
| Black Moon

Developer PlayPark has opened up pre-registrations for their latest project: a mobile action RPG titled Black Moon. This new wave of pre-reg is specifically only available to certain regions, but fans of an anime gacha aRPG with some darker vibes ought to keep an eye on this one, as it could soon become your new favourite game!

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Black Moon is one of the more interesting gacha games revealed lately, as there’s no established property holding it down. Rather than being an adaptation of any anime series or a spin-off of a different game series, this one is a new fully original project that wants to introduce players to an edgier vibe with some truly colourful characters and awesome 3D action.

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So far, not a lot is known about Black Moon beyond a small reveal trailer that mainly just shows off some awesome combat sequences. Given that the game is marketing itself as an action RPG, it’s not too far out of the realm of possibility that it’ll take some notes from something like Punishing Grey Raven, but how the game actually plays is yet to be completely seen.

Still, the general art offered so far of the various characters and what is seeable within that trailer do show that this gacha RPG is a little darker in its world design, with a lot of dark black suits on the characters and a generally moodier vibe behind all of the backgrounds. This does make it pretty unique in its own way, and if we’re lucky, the story might even be as dark as the world is to match.

Unfortunately for now, we’ll just have to wait to see more. Still, if based on what we do know so far you are interested, and you’re located within Indonesia, Vietnam, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, or Malaysia, you can pre-register for this brand new aRPG at the official website right now!

Connor Derrick
Connor Derrick
Connor is a diehard JRPG fan and an equally diehard fan of writing. When he isn’t putting 100+ hours into the latest Atlus release, he’s playing board games with his partner or blasting a mid-2000s punk record. Music, film, writing, and games are his biggest passions, and he hopes to one day unite all of those in some way or another.